"The children are the gurus. They continue to teach, to heal and guide us towards a better versions of ourselves. "
‘A Little Village’ was birthed by Amr Mohamed & Ora Kohan in spring of 2022 as an homage to the magic that is the child.
This collection is dedicated to the three babies who continuously inspire me and call me back to presence, back to myself, back to truth.
My greatest teachers;
Lev (to love), Rumi (to see beauty), and Naia (to flow).
Rooted in simplicity, I believe that returning to nature is where the magic is. I believe in children-led design initiatives paving the way for elevated loungewear. Our collection brings earth inspired children wear designed with comfort and freedom of expression, movement, & play as our foundation.
I believe in the medicine that children provide for the soul. They are here to guide us & remind us of our truth; through play, we remember presence. We remember to let go.
When all of the adult distractions are stripped away we are left with the golden nugget of the child within all of us - it is simple, it is nature. It is innocence blooming without the outside noise. It is truth.
To follow the path of the child is to live honestly. It is to get quiet and truly listen to yourself.
"Let us all soften and allow life to unravel as divinely as it will when we play more, laugh more, explore more, shine more awareness into the unhealed parts within ourselves, and love unconditionally more, ourselves and our children. The children are the gurus. They continue to teach, to heal and guide us towards a better versions of ourselves. "
With love, beauty, and flow,
Ora xx